Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Meet Darrell!

Darrell D.
Corps Member serving on H.O.P.E.

Hometown: New Orleans, Louisiana

Education: Some college (LSU)

What team are you on and what do you do? I am on the H.O.P.E. team and I administer a 10 week curriculum to DCPS middle school students educating them about HIV/STI’s and teaching them to make proud choices.

Why did you join City Year and why do you serve? I joined City Year because I love service and I felt that City Year made it possible for me to help others in a way that could change and save lives.

What are you most excited about this year? I was most excited about finding out if I made the HOPE team. Im also excited about starting my internship at MetroTeenAIDS.

What are you most nervous about this year? I was most nervous about if the youth would really retain the information that we taught them but they are interested in what we have to say and every week they seem more excited than the last.

What is something most people don’t know about you and wouldn’t guess? Most people would not guess that I’m a really good tennis player. I was the team captain when I was a freshman.

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