Last Week City Year Washington, DC launched into its 11th year of service. Click here to watch the video. Our 140 Corps Members pledged to serve as tutors, mentors, and role models to the students of Washington, DC. The ceremony took place in the shadows of the Capitol Building at Freedom Plaza. We were honored to be joined by pillars of the DC Community including: Danna Rattley Washington, Vice President of Government Affairs for Comcast, Jim Handly, NBC News4 Anchor, Dr. Carey Wright, Chief Academic Officer of DC Public Schools, DC Council Member Kwame Brown and DC Council Chairman, The Honorable Vincent Gray; all of whom addressed the Corps and congratulated them on what is sure to be a very successful service year.
As the ceremony progressed, Corps Members showed off their spirit, discipline, purpose and pride through their powerful display of physical training (PT) and few team chants.
In a very fitting closing to the ceremony City Year Alumni Margaret Herrmann passed the Hammer of Service to City Year Corps Member Marvin Jones. Margaret is currently the after school coordinator at Malcolm X Elementary School where Marvin will be serving this year.
These 140 Corps Members are now ready to continue on with their service and change the world.

2010-2011 City Year Washington, DC Teams:
The Comcast Team serving at Brown Education Campus
The CSX Civic Heroes Team
The Case Foundation Team serving at Simon Elementary
The Ferebee-Hope Elementary Team
The Serve DC Team serving at Malcolm X
The CSX Team serving at Turner-Green Elementary School
The Acacia Group Team serving at Francis Stevens Elementary
The Winston Education Campus Team
The Kimball Elementary School Team
The Stanton Elementary School Team
The Spingarn High School Team
The Hart Middle School Team
The CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield Hope Team
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